Tab Manager

JS TabID: -1

PHP TabID: -1

to use include "tabManager.js" in the header on every page.
navigating to a page without the ID means it will be forgotten
on first load php will not see a tab ID, but on all subsequent loads it will.
remember to send the value of "getTabID()" with ajax functions and async forms

Error Reporting Disabled - Error Payload:
        "code": 8,
        "message": "session_start(): Ignoring session_start() because a session is already active",
        "file": "\/disks\/disk1\/www\/\/00_Projects\/tabManager\/index.php",
        "line": 1,
        "trace": [
                "file": "\/disks\/disk1\/www\/\/00_Projects\/tabManager\/index.php",
                "line": 1,
                "function": "session_start",
                "args": []
                "file": "\/disks\/disk1\/www\/\/www\/explore.php",
                "line": 82,
                "args": [
                "function": "include"
                "file": "\/disks\/disk1\/www\/\/www\/index.php",
                "line": 98,
                "args": [
                "function": "include"
        "uri": "https:\/\/\/explore\/tabManager\/"
An error occurred loading this page
click to dismiss