setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion title backup database color F0 FOR /F "skip=1" %%A IN ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get DayOfWeek' ) DO ( set DB=C:\Database set BC=E:\ set SP=%random:~-1% goto :%%A ) :10 mkdir "%BC%/spotcheck/%date%" set mydate=!date:~10,4!!date:~7,2!!date:~4,2! XCOPY "%DB%" "%BC%/spotcheck/%mydate%" /S msg * "alert blake asap if this message appears! write a note if needed. (1/5)" msg * "alert blake asap if this message appears! got it? (2/5)" msg * "alert blake asap if this message appears! its very important! (3/5)" msg * "alert blake asap if this message appears! I really need to know. (4/5)" msg * "alert blake asap if this message appears! do not forget!!! (5/5)" goto :9 :1 RD /S /Q "%BC%/mon" mkdir "%BC%/mon" XCOPY "%DB%" "%BC%/mon" /S goto :8 :2 RD /S /Q "%BC%/tue" mkdir "%BC%/tue" XCOPY "%DB%" "%BC%/tue" /S goto :8 :3 RD /S /Q "%BC%/wed" mkdir "%BC%/wed" XCOPY "%DB%" "%BC%/wed" /S goto :8 :4 RD /S /Q "%BC%/thu" mkdir "%BC%/thu" XCOPY "%DB%" "%BC%/thu" /S goto :8 :5 RD /S /Q "%BC%/fri" mkdir "%BC%/fri" XCOPY "%DB%" "%BC%/fri" /S goto :8 :8 if %SP% == 3 (goto :10) if %SP% == 4 (goto :10) :9 cls @echo off echo. echo. echo Latest backup completed (theoretically). echo. echo designed and built by Kaioker Radon. echo. echo visit for more. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo if you have any problems or encounter a bug, echo. echo please contact kaio at echo. echo. echo spot check number was %SP% echo. echo. echo. echo. echo This window will now close. endlocal pause :6 :7