Emergency medical air transportation.
ELT service is located in Cranbrook B.C.
Servicing the Kootenay region of B.C.

Our dedicated team of professionals have many years of experience in the medical transportation industry. From the safety of our hanger our patients can be transferred from the ambulance directly into the aircraft without having to endure the harsh elements in their hour of need. Our aircraft is equipped with capacity to carry all required medical personnel and two patients to any hospital in B.C. or Alberta.
The advantages of using the Cheyenne III for patient transportation is its capacity to land on very short runways allowing us to take the aircraft to the closest location to minimize patient suffering and time delay. Our aircraft is equipped with the latest in technology to provide the utmost in care and safety flying in the Canadian Rockies. Our pilots, staff and personnel are local people helping to make the kootnays a safe place to life and play in our great outdoors.
you can play, work and explore all the fabulous countryside and mountains knowing our dedicated staff are alert and ready to help should you need us.
Our flight crews are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide flights throughout the the Kootnays,British Columbia and to major centres in Southern Canada. Air Ambulance is a full service bed to bed air ambulance and commercial airline medical escort company providing safe and professional transport with the highest quality medical support worldwide. We utilize a modern aircraft, highly-trained medical escorts, and a supporting management team that includes exceptionally qualified and experienced air ambulance personnel.

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